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Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSERc LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo EDDLL ReadINI EDDLL StripPath EDDLL DoWeInstallTTFont EDDLL NowInstallFont EDDLL WorkOutFontDir EDDLL GetTTFName EDDLL GetTime EDDLL CalcCheckSum EDDLL ValidatePath EDDLL IsPathWriteable EDDLL IsPathReadOnly EDDLL IsRootPathSame EDDLL KillOldExt EDDLL SetTemplateSection EDDLL EDDLL ProcessIconString EDDLL ProcessIconStringTwo Serifa PagePlusa Intro95a pp.exe Setup is determining your system configuration. Please wait... CD-Based Optimized (Recommended) Optimal files are installed to hard disk. Hard disk space required: 13Mb.A CD-Based Minimized (Saves disk space) Minimum files are installed to hard disk. Hard disk space required: 5Mb.A Hard Disk Installation (Fastest performance) All files are installed to hard disk. Full install requires: 45Mb.A @12001;1;255,0,255A @12002;1;255,0,255A @12003;1;255,0,255A DISK1 FileComponents eddll.dll PagePlus Welcomea SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Registration\R Name2H SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Registration\R Company2H SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common\Registration\R Name2H SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common\Registration\R Company2H Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Infoa DefCompany2H Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Infoa DefName2H PagePlus Basic FilesA Page WizardsA Additional DemosA Additional Text and Graphics FiltersA Art & Borders ClipartA Online DocumentationA User Information ConfirmationbN PagePlus Basic FilesA Page WizardsA Additional DemosA Additional Text and Graphics FiltersA Art & Borders ClipartA Online DocumentationA Setup Optionsaw Select a Setup type. CD-Based Optimized is recommended as it provides good performance with economical hard disk usage.BY CD_RECOMMENDEDL PagePlus Basic FilesA Page WizardsA Additional Text and Graphics FiltersA Art & Borders ClipartA Online DocumentationA Additional DemosA CD_MINIMALL PagePlus Basic FilesA Page WizardsA Additional Text and Graphics FiltersA Art & Borders ClipartA Additional DemosA Page WizardsA Online DocumentationA HARD_DISK Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \DirectoriesR LocalConfigDir2H Program Files% Serif Program Files% Serif Program Files% Serif PagePlus Choose Destination Directorya HARD_DISK( Hard disk installation optionsa PagePlus Basic FilesA Page WizardsA Additional Text and Graphics FiltersA Art & Borders ClipartA Additional DemosA Online DocumentationA PagePlus Basic FilesA Page WizardsA Additional Text and Graphics FiltersA Additional DemosA Art & Borders ClipartA Online DocumentationA not a possible choice - SetupTypeA eddll.dll PagePlus Basic FilesA Page WizardsA Additional DemosA Additional Text and Graphics FiltersA Art & Borders ClipartA Online DocumentationA PagePlus Basic Files! Page Wizards! Art & Borders Clipart! Online Documentation! Additional Demos! Additional Text and Graphics Filters! You have not chosen any options. You must specify at leasta PagePlus Basic Files. Select Components! PagePlus Basic Files! Page Wizards! Select the international setup you require and then click on Next> to continue. Language Setup US Standard European! HARD_DISK( Letter, Serif Applications$ Choose a folder in which to place a PagePlus$ HARD_DISK( Setup has enough information to start copying PagePlus Intro 95 files. aL If you want to review or change any settings, click on <Back. When you are $ happy with your settings, click on Next> to accept the settings and start copying the files. HARD_DISK( Preparing to copy files... PROGRAM$ COPYFILES CD_MINIMAL( PP.GID PP.FTS LOGOPLUS.GID LOGOPLUS.FTS HARD_DISK( last.bmp6 PagePlus Basic Files! last.bmp6 Checking Available Fonts... Please Wait...% last.bmp6 last.bmp6 Updating your Registry... Creating Program Folder and Icons...." PagePlus Basic Files! Serif PagePlus Intro 95b/ UNINST.EXE ppintun.exe $ uninst.exe: Un-Install PagePlus Intro 95bL readme.doc .doca \shell\open\commandR PagePlus Intro 95 ReadmebM PagePlus Intro 95 ReadmebM PagePlus Intro 95 ReadmebM HARD_DISK( Online Documentation! pponline.pdf pponline.pdf .pdfa \shell\open\commandR PagePlus Intro 95 Online DocumentationbM PagePlus Intro 95 Online DocumentationbM PagePlus Intro 95 Online DocumentationbM Start Menu\Programs\Serif Applications PagePlus Basic Files! readme.doc PagePlus Intro 95 ReadmebM Serif PagePlus Intro 95bM Serif PagePlus Intro 95bM HARD_DISK( Online Documentation! pponline.pdf pponline.pdf PagePlus Intro 95 Online DocumentationbM PagePlus Basic Files! acroread.exe Install Adobe Acrobat Readerb! Install Adobe Acrobat Readerb! last.bmp6 eddll.dll Software\Microsoft\Windows! \Software\Microsoft\Windowsa Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion! \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersiona Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion! \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersiona Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs! \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsa Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall! \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Extensions! \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Extensionsa Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths! \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Pathsa Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory. Setup exiting...* eddll.dll Unable to open files under b . Setup exiting...* eddll.dll General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ Was unpacking file $ to target directory $ eddll.dll Times SetupA Serif PagePlus Intro 95A$ PagePlus Intro 95 requires Microsoft Windows 95a or Windows NT.* This program requires VGA or better resolution.A Software\Classes\PagePlusPublication\shell\open\command! \Software\Classes\PagePlusPublication\shell\open\commanda \Software\Classes\PagePlusPublication\shell\open\commanda Software\Classes\PagePlusPublication\DefaultIcon! \Software\Classes\PagePlusPublication\DefaultIcona \Software\Classes\PagePlusPublication\DefaultIcona Software\Classes\PagePlusPublication\shell\New! \Software\Classes\PagePlusPublication\shell\Newa Software\Classes\PagePlusPublication\shell\New\command! \Software\Classes\PagePlusPublication\shell\New\commanda \Software\Classes\PagePlusPublication\shell\New\commanda ^.pppQ \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Extensionsa .pppA ^.ppxQ \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Extensionsa .ppxA *.*BZ PagePlus Basic Files( Additional Demos( Additional Text and Graphics Filters( Page Wizards( Art & Borders Clipart( Online Documentation( PagePlus Basic FilesB Additional DemosB Page WizardsB Additional Text and Graphics FiltersB Art & Borders ClipartB Online DocumentationB PagePlus Basic FilesA This component contains the main executable files and associated configuration files for running PagePlus. 25 TrueType Fonts are also installed.` Additional DemosA Further PagePlus demonstration and tutorial files are installed by selecting this option.` Page WizardsA This component provides Page Wizards to help you produce professional looking publications. If you choose not to select this option, they will still be available provided the CD is present while running PagePlus.` Additional Text and Graphics FiltersA Choose this component to install additional graphics and text filters, allowing more file types to be imported.` Art & Borders ClipartA This component contains clipart to enhance your publications. If you choose not to select this option, the clipart will still be available provided the CD is present while running PagePlus.` Online DocumentationA This component installs the PagePlus Online Help to your Hard disk. Serif PagePlus Intro 95 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b ppintun.exea ppintun.exe Serif PagePlus Intro 95a Serif PagePlus Intro 95 UninstallString2H ppintun.exe $ UninstallStringA HARD_DISK( HARD_DISK( EXCEPTMINIMAL( CD_MINIMAL( *.*B\ HARD_DISK( PagePlus Basic Files! ShellNew There is not enough space in your 'b ' directory to continue the installation process. Free some space and try again.* There is not enough space in your 'b ' directory to continue the installation process. Free some space and try again.* There is not enough space in your 'b \ShellNew' directory to continue the installation process. Free some space and try again.* There is not enough space in your 'b ' (Fonts) directory to continue the installation process. Free some space and try again.* There is not enough space in your 'bT ' directory to continue the installation process. Free some space and try again.* There is not enough space in your 'bK ' directory to continue the installation process. Free some space and try again.* HARD_DISK( Hard Disk - Typical PagePlus Basic Files$ Additional Demos$ Page Wizards$ Additional Text and Graphics Filters$ Art and Borders Clipart$ Online Documentation$ Hard Disk - Compact PagePlus Basic Files$ Hard Disk - Custom PagePlus Basic Files! PagePlus Basic Files$ Additional Demos! Additional Demos$ Page Wizards! Page Wizards$ Additional Text and Graphics Filters! Additional Text and Graphics Filters$ Art & Borders Clipart! Art and Borders Clipart$ Online Documentation! Online Documentation$ CD_RECOMMENDED( CD-Based Optimized CD-Based Minimal Language US Standard European Destination Fonts Sample Fonts Program Folder HARD_DISK( Components PPINT95 Program HARD_DISK( pp.exe Template Images Demos Styles Samples SRFDLL32 LogoPlus Program Template ClipArt CD_RECOMMENDED( Serif\PpInt95 pp.exe Template\A4 Template\Letter Template\Images Demos Styles Samples SRFDLL32 LogoPlus Program Template Serif\ClipArt CD_MINIMAL( Serif\PpInt95 Program% pp.exe Template\A4 Template\Letter Template\Images Demos Styles Samples Serif\Srfdll32 Serif\LogoPlus Program Template Serif\ClipArt CD_MINIMAL( bbrd4.wmf bbrd3.wmf bbrd2.wmf pp.ann% PROGRAM PagePlus Basic Files! HARD_DISK! PagePlus Basic Files! EXCEPTMINIMAL! ppmin.z PagePlus Basic Files! hidden.z PagePlus Basic Files! EXCEPTMINIMAL! elvis.wav% PROGRAM PagePlus Basic Files! HARD_DISK! billg.wav% PROGRAM PagePlus Basic Files! HARD_DISK! readme.z PagePlus Basic Files! ppcnf.z PagePlus Basic Files! HARD_DISK( Samples Samples PagePlus Basic Files! samples.z% SAMPLES PagePlus Basic Files! HARD_DISK! pphelp.z PagePlus Basic Files! EXCEPTMINIMAL! srfinv.z PagePlus Basic Files! ppwin.z PagePlus Basic Files EXCEPTMINIMAL! serifreg.z PagePlus Basic Files EXCEPTMINIMAL! graphics.z PagePlus Basic Files EXCEPTMINIMAL! wplus.z PagePlus Basic Files b_demos.z% DEMOS PagePlus Basic Files! HARD_DISK! alldll.z PagePlus Basic Files srftran.z PagePlus Basic Files lplusp.z PagePlus Basic Files EXCEPTMINIMAL! lplust.z PagePlus Basic Files EXCEPTMINIMAL! lphidd.z PagePlus Basic Files! EXCEPTMINIMAL! acroread.exe PagePlus Basic Files! snewaf.z% ShellNew PagePlus Basic Files! snewus.z% ShellNew PagePlus Basic Files! ad_demos.z% DEMOS Additional Demos! HARD_DISK! at_lett.z Page Wizards HARD_DISK! at_afour.z Page Wizards HARD_DISK! at_img.z Page Wizards HARD_DISK! text.z Additional Text and Graphics Filters EXCEPTMINIMAL! artbord.z Art & Borders Clipart HARD_DISK! pponline.pdf Online Documentation! HARD_DISK! Copying a Serif PagePlus Intro 95$ files... PagePlus Basic Files( EXCEPTMINIMAL( CD_MINIMAL( Install Error. Not enough disk space in the Serif Shared DLL Directory (bT ) to copy file $ (or extract that archive). Free space from this directory and try again.* Install Error. Not enough disk space in b to copy file $ (or extract that archive). Free space from this directory and try again.* Install Error. Could not install file b to $ . Check the drive is writable and $ that enough space is available on that drive,$ then try again.* Copying Windows NT specific files...! ctl3d32.dllR ctl3d32.dllR Ctl3d32.dlla Ctl3D32.dll! Install Error. Not enough disk space in the Serif Shared DLL Directory (bT ) to copy file $ (or extract that archive). Free space from this directory and try again.* Install Error. Not enough disk space in b to copy file $ (or extract that archive). Free space from this directory and try again.* Install Error. Could not install file b to $ . Check the drive is writable and $ that enough space is available on that drive,$ then try again.* Copying Additional Demo files... Additional Demos( EXCEPTMINIMAL( CD_MINIMAL( Install Error. Not enough disk space in the Serif Shared DLL Directory (bT ) to copy file $ (or extract that archive). Free space from this directory and try again.* Install Error. Not enough disk space in b to copy file $ (or extract that archive). Free space from this directory and try again.* Install Error. Could not install file b to $ . Check the drive is writable and $ that enough space is available on that drive,$ then try again.* Copying Additional Page Wizard files... Page Wizards( EXCEPTMINIMAL( CD_MINIMAL( Install Error. Not enough disk space in the Serif Shared DLL Directory (bT ) to copy file $ (or extract that archive). Free space from this directory and try again.* Install Error. Not enough disk space in b to copy file $ (or extract that archive). Free space from this directory and try again.* Install Error. Could not install file b to $ . Check the drive is writable and $ that enough space is available on that drive,$ then try again.* Copying Additional Text and Graphics Filters... Additional Text and Graphics Filters( EXCEPTMINIMAL( CD_MINIMAL( Install Error. Not enough disk space in the Serif Shared DLL Directory (bT ) to copy file $ (or extract that archive). Free space from this directory and try again.* Install Error. Not enough disk space in b to copy file $ (or extract that archive). Free space from this directory and try again.* Install Error. Could not install file b to $ . Check the drive is writable and $ that enough space is available on that drive,$ then try again.* Copying Additional Art and Borders Clipart files... Art & Borders Clipart( EXCEPTMINIMAL( CD_MINIMAL( Install Error. Not enough disk space in the Serif Shared DLL Directory (bT ) to copy file $ (or extract that archive). Free space from this directory and try again.* Install Error. Not enough disk space in b to copy file $ (or extract that archive). Free space from this directory and try again.* Install Error. Could not install file b to $ . Check the drive is writable and $ that enough space is available on that drive,$ then try again.* Copying Online Help file... Online Documentation( EXCEPTMINIMAL( CD_MINIMAL( Install Error. Not enough disk space in the Serif Shared DLL Directory (bT ) to copy file $ (or extract that archive). Free space from this directory and try again.* Install Error. Not enough disk space in b to copy file $ (or extract that archive). Free space from this directory and try again.* Install Error. Could not install file b to $ . Check the drive is writable and $ that enough space is available on that drive,$ then try again.* Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95 ICount2 ICountA ICountA Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95 \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95P ppint.ini L7160.ppxQ Avery L7160A 5095.ppxQ Avery 5095A SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Misc\ Shared32DllDirR SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common\Misc\ Shared32DllDirR System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SPPInfo! SOFTWARE\a Serif \SOFTWARE\a SerifP SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlusP SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95 \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95P SOFTWARE\a Serif \SOFTWARE\a SerifP SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \CommonP Software\a Serif$ \CommonQ LockCountA Software\a Serif$ \CommonR LockCount2H Software\a Serif$ \CommonQ LockCountA SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common\Misc \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common\MiscP SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common\Registration \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common\RegistrationP SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common\Art&BordersP SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common\AutoCorrect \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common\AutoCorrectP SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlusP SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95 \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95P Software\Classes\.ppp! \Software\Classes\.pppa Software\Classes\.ppx! \Software\Classes\.ppxa Software\Classes\PagePlusPublication! \Software\Classes\PagePlusPublicationa Software\Classes\CLSID\{0004E676-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}! Software\Classes\CLSID\{0004E676-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}a Software\Classes\CLSID\{56C750C0-EC1E-11CE-B0B6-0040C7596656}! Software\Classes\CLSID\{56C750C0-EC1E-11CE-B0B6-0040C7596656}a Software\Classes\PPTypePlus! Software\Classes\PPTypePlusa Software\Classes\PPTypePlus\protocol! Software\Classes\PPTypePlus\protocola Software\Classes\PPTypePlus\Clsid! Software\Classes\PPTypePlus\Clsida Software\Classes\PPTypePlus\protocol\StdFileEditing! Software\Classes\PPTypePlus\protocol\StdFileEditinga Software\Classes\PPTypePlus\protocol\StdFileEditing\server! Software\Classes\PPTypePlus\protocol\StdFileEditing\servera Software\Classes\PPTypePlus\protocol\StdFileEditing\verb! Software\Classes\PPTypePlus\protocol\StdFileEditing\verba Software\Classes\PPTypePlus\protocol\StdFileEditing\verb\0! Software\Classes\PPTypePlus\protocol\StdFileEditing\verb\0a System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SPPInfo! System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SPPInfoa LastAccessA System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SPPInfoa OrigInstallTimeA SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Registration \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \RegistrationP \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Registration\Q NameA \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Registration\Q CompanyA \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common\Registration\Q NameA \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common\Registration\Q CompanyA \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Registration\Q Free RunsA \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Registration\Q Grace PeriodA \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Registration\Q MarketA COV\PCP\I95\03A \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Registration\Q Registration IdA System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SPPInfoa OrigInstallTime2H \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Registration\Q Expiry DateA \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Registration\Q ChecksumA SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Registration \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \RegistrationP \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Registration\Q NameA \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Registration\Q CompanyA \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common\Registration\Q NameA \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common\Registration\Q CompanyA HARD_DISK( PagePlus Basic Files! HARD_DISK( Updating your Registry... \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Misc Shared32DllDir! ppmin.z! \SOFTWARE\a Serif$ \Common\Misc Shared32DllDir! ppmin.z! \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Directories DatabaseDir! Samples ppmin.z! \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Directories DemoDir! Demos ppmin.z! \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Directories GraphicExportDir! HARD_DISK( Samples Samples ppmin.z! \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Directories GraphicImportDir! Samples ppmin.z! \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Directories LibraryDir! Samples ppmin.z! \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Directories LocalConfigDir! ppmin.z! Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Foldersa Personal2H c:\My Documents c:\My Documents, \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Directories PPPFileDir! ppmin.z! \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Directories StylesheetDir! HARD_DISK( Samples Samples ppmin.z! Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Foldersa Personal2H c:\My Documents c:\My Documents, \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Directories TemplateDir! ppmin.z! \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Directories TemplateImages! HARD_DISK( Page Wizards! Serif\PpInt95% Template\Images ppmin.z! \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Directories TextImportDir! Samples ppmin.z! \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Demonstrations Introduction! intro.asd,1,intro.wmf b_demos.z! Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Demonstrations Layering! layering.asd,2,layering.wmf ad_demos.z! \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Demonstrations Creating Logos! logo.asd,3,logo.wmf ad_demos.z! \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Demonstrations Word Processing! write.asd,4,write.wmf ad_demos.z! \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Demonstrations Working With Frames! frames.asd,5,frames.wmf ad_demos.z! \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Demonstrations Reasons to Upgrade! upsell.asd,6,upsell.wmf ad_demos.z! \Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Directories PrintFileDir! HARD_DISK( Samples ppmin.z! \CLSID\{56C750C0-EC1E-11CE-B0B6-0040C7596656}\InprocServer32 srftran.dll ppmin.z! PPTypePlus\protocol\StdFileEditing\server logoplus.exe ppmin.z! Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders BorderFilter! Windows Metafile Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders ArtBorderDir! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Sport! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Sport,A Sport,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Backgrounds! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Backgrnd,B Backgrnd,B Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Natural World! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Nature,A Nature,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Church! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Church,A Church,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Decorative! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Decoratv,B Decoratv,B Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Education! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Educate,A Educate,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Entertainment! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Entertn,A Entertn,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Food And Drink! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Food,A Food,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders History! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\History,A History,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Holiday! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Holiday,A Holiday,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Home! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Home,A Home,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Icons! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Icons,A Icons,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Miscellaneous! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Misc,A Misc,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Office And Technology! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Office,A Office,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders People! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\People,A People,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Science! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Science,A Science,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Themed! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Themed,B Themed,B Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Toolkit 1! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Toolkit1,A Toolkit1,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Toolkit 2! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Toolkit2,A Toolkit2,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Transport! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Transprt,A Transprt,A Software\a Serif$ \Common\Art&Borders Travel! HARD_DISK( Art & Borders Clipart! Serif\Clipart\Travel,A Travel,A Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Page PageMeasurementUnitX! ppmin.z! Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Page PageMeasurementUnitY! ppmin.z! Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Page PageSize! Letter ppmin.z! Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \General DefaultLanguage! English (UK -ise), English (US) ppmin.z! Software\a Serif$ PagePlus$ Intro95$ \Directories OnlineHelpDir! Online Documentation! HARD_DISK( STOP( fonts.zb, BASIC( Installation Complete. Some files could not be installed because they are a3 currently in use by other programs in the system. $ To allow for proper operation of the new program you should restart $ your system at this time. Restart WindowsbI PagePlus Basic Files! Setup is complete. You can install the Adobe Acrobat Reader utility aH which is required for the PagePlus Online Documentation (recommended). Setup is complete. PagePlus Basic Files! To run PagePlus Intro 95 select the Serif PagePlus Intro 95 Icon from the bG folder. Click on Finish to complete Setup. To run PagePlus Intro 95 select Serif PagePlus Intro 95 from the aQ Programs Folder of the Windows 95 Start Menu. Click on Finish to complete Setup. PagePlus Basic Files! Yes, I want to install the Adobe Acrobat Reader now., WRITE.EXE% README.DOC Fonts Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts STOP( fonts.zb, Installing new font...) fonts.zb, (TrueType)% fonts.zb, (TrueType)% Checking Available Fonts... Checking Available Fonts... adma.ttf adma0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, ball.ttf ball0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, glaw.ttf glaw0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, glawb.ttf glawb0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, glawi.ttf glawi0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, glawbi.ttf glawbi0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, glawh.ttf glawh0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, glawhi.ttf glawhi0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, glawl.ttf glawl0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, glawli.ttf glawli0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, rein.ttf rein0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, palm.ttf palm0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, palmb.ttf palmb0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, stafh.ttf stafh0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, stafhi.ttf stafhi0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC! lege.ttf lege0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, expr.ttf expr0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, exprb.ttf exprb0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, expri.ttf expri0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, exprbi.ttf exprbi0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC! exprh.ttf exprh0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, vwag.ttf vwag0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, vwagb.ttf vwagb0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, vwagi.ttf vwagi0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, vwagbi.ttf vwagbi0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, vwagh.ttf vwagh0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, vwaghi.ttf vwaghi0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, tico.ttf tico0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, hans.ttf hans0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, hansi.ttf hansi0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, orga.ttf orga0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, shot.ttf shot0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, aure.ttf aure0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, tt0216m_.ttf tt0216m0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, tt0679m_.ttf tt0679m0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, marker.ttf marker0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, marker-h.ttf markerh0.ttfK PagePlus Basic Files! BASIC, STOP! 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